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Dauphin Island AL is home to one oof the most spectacular redfish spawning events on the planet. Every Year during the spring months thousands of redfish congregate along the offshore sand bar known as "dixie bar". It is certainly an experience of a life time to join them with a rod and reel in your hands. throwing artificial lures during massive feeding frenzies are a sure fire way to get a hook up. They are called Bull Redfish for a reason. There is no doubt in your mind that you hooked one of these monsters as your rod tip loads up, and your spool begins to scream as drag is taken out.
However its not as easy as driving a boat to this magical spawning ground and putting a bait in the water. I have studied these fish for years and through hypothesis and observations have learned much about astronomical and atmospheric patterns that effect the psychologic process of these fish. A number of factors must be understood to ensure the battle of a saltwater bull to occur upon arrival to the "honey hole".
There are several factors that must be studied and taken into account to know when these fish will be shoulder to shoulder with each other eating every possible baitfish they can find. These include Moon Phase and Position, Water Temperature and salinity, Tidal direction and coefficient, barometric pressure, wind speed and direction, wave hight and swell direction, time of day, water clarity, post spawn and pre-spawn fish.
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